Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Break the Chains.org

Break the Chains

Break the Chains.org is a:

“news and discussion forum for supporters of political prisoners, prisoners of war, politicized social prisoners, and victims of police and state intimidationbreakthechains.org

I was quite surprised to learn that there were still political prisoners from various liberation movements in US prisons and over time we've come to learn that many of the convictions were obtained on falsified charges. Break the Chains.org tackles the issues of political prisoners both in the US and around the world.

It was on the Break the Chains.org that I discovered this video on the book The War Before by Safiya Bukhari.

Laura Whitehorn narrates this introduction to Safiya’s book.  Laura was an activist in the 1960s and she took part in various civil rights and anti-war movements.  She had been a part of Students for a Democratic Society and went on to become a member of The Weather Underground.  Laura spent fourteen years in prison on charges of conspiracy, destruction of government property and fraud and was released in 1999.

Laura Whitehorn sounds as fascinating as Safiya Bukhari and i will certainly be reading up on her next.



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