Link: Rwanda: Students Urged to Write On Genocide
I thought this was an interesting article and I agree wholeheartedly. Speaking during the School of Finance and Banking's night of Vigil to mark the 15 year anniversary of the genocide, Board Chairman Professor Manasseh Nshuti said:
"Remembering what happened is important. But writing what happened is more critical because unwritten history can easily be manipulated by anybody or it can easily fade away with time, which is dangerous".
I would recommend that anyone who has lived through an important moment in history write it down. Seeing that nearly everyone here lived through the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre, I would say that everyone has something to write about. In my life I have seen the Berlin Wall come down, the fall of Apartheid and yes, the attacks on the US and the later attacks on the UK. I would say that everyone has a story to tell.
If you have a story to tell and would like it featured on A Passion to Understand, please comment here (even if you just leave your contact details).
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