Sunday, 17 January 2010

UK Organisations Aiding Haiti

I feel I need to apologise for my slow response to the Haitian crisis.  I’ve been rather like a hare caught in the beam of a car’s headlights as I’ve watched the true extent of the horror unfold. 

Much of the blogosphere is alive with ways that you can assist the appeal if you are living in the United States but what can we do here in the United Kingdom?


iTunes Red Cross appeal

I learned from the blogger over at Not From Around Here of the brilliant and easy iTunes initiative.  From within iTunes you can simply go to the iTunes Store and donate anywhere from £5 to £100.


TripAdvisor list

I think TripAdvisor deserves kudos and special mention for sending UK residents a special list detailing where they can donate money locally.  I assume they did a tailored list for each country and I think that is great.  Here is the list:


ActionAid -

British Red Cross -

Oxfam -

World Vision -

Save the Children UK -

Action Against Hunger -

Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) -

Merlin  -

Salvation Army  -


South African appeal

The Sowetan newspaper has details of the Salvation Army Southern African region appeal.


US Appeal

Naturally, most people in the blogosphere are not in the UK so in the US you can text 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross or click below to go to the Whitehouse Appeal:

Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do


If you don’t live in the UK, South Africa or the US, perhaps you can draw up a list for your own country?  If you don’t have your own blog, I would be happy to post it here.



  1. Thanks so much for posting this list. There are so many ways to help and so many good organizations.

  2. You have such a heart without borders. Thank you for this compelling post.

  3. Thank you ladies - Joanne - I got the idea from you!!


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