Thursday, 13 August 2009

The 2,996 Project

Ground Zero, Manhattan, New York

On September 11th this year, it will mark 8 years since the 9/11 attacks on the US.  It has been a long time since I blogged about 9/11 but when I was in New York, I visited Ground Zero and the Tribute WTC Visitor Center.  I don’t think I will ever be able to grasp what happened that day but I will never forget it.

Project 2,996 is a project whereby bloggers remember the lives of the victims of 9/11 and not their deaths.  I think it is a wonderful and touching initiative and I certainly hope to take place this year.  If you are a blogger, please consider going through to the site and volunteering to write a memorial.  They really need the support as only 366 bloggers have volunteered so far this year.  You can also take part if you don’t have a blog so visit the site for more details (I’d also be willing to host your post if you don’t have a blog).



  1. That is a wonderful idea- thanks for letting us know about this project! To focus on their lives and not their deaths is a better way to honor them, and I really respect that concept. Thanks again!

  2. Emm, another interesting news from you. Thanks. This project is important, as other as well, to not forget the past,to live the present.

  3. @ Artist: Oh wow - thank you for taking part too!

    @ Italo: Agreed. Thank you for your comments, Italo, I really appreciate them!

  4. Waht a great idea. thaks for telling us about this.

  5. @ ...mmm...: I agree - do you think you will take part?


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