Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Rwanda: Tharcisse Renzaho sentenced to life

Link: Rwanda governor jailed for life for genocide [Reuters]

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has found Tharcisse Renzaho guilty of of genocide, two counts of murder as crimes against humanity and two counts of rape as crimes against humanity. One of the charges was that he ordered the removal and killing of sixty Tutsi boys in a church-run pastoral centre. He broadcast orders over Radio Rwanda “asking police, soldiers and militia to construct and supervise roadblocks to intercept, identify and kill Tutsis” [Reuters].

This ruling was the 39th judgement to date with six of those ending in acquittal.

A list of all cases including details and case statuses is available at the ICTR website under cases –> status of cases.

Edit to above: I did not realise it previously but apparently Renzaho was the governor of Kigali at the time of his crime. This man was meant to protect the people, not massacre them.



  1. It is a good instance of justice to the people against the tyrants. I wish the such a thing was possible in India also where most of the political leaders are involved in corruption and other crmes against the people and the judicial machinery takes 10-20 years to settle such cases. Pl. see my blog http://indiainperil.blogspot.com
    full of such issues.

  2. You are right Ram - the things that are happening in India are appalling and they have been going on for decades too. I have added you to my blogroll. Hope you don't mind.


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