Link: Mia Farrow Speaks Out on Darfur Hunger Strike []
Mia Farrow has begun her hunger strike in an attempt to draw attention to the plight of those suffering in Darfur. She is going to try to consume nothing but water for 21 days. This is a Fox News interview with the star.
In early March, the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al Bashir for the murder, rape, torture and displacement of millions and he retaliated by expelling 16 key aid agencies from Darfur and there has been no response. I keep thinking the shoe is going to drop; this surely is a line that cannot be crossed. He has already displaced nearly three million people; he is now going to sever the lifeline to those displaced people who cannot sustain themselves? Are we going to let that happen? I can’t believe that there hasn’t been a larger outcry that merits the death of more than a million people. -
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