Thursday, 19 March 2009

Sudan: Obama announces special envoy for Sudan

Link: Obama picks 'humanitarian' general for Sudan [Taiwan News]

President Barack Obama has selected a special envoy to Sudan and has described retired Air Force major general J. Scott Gration as a humanitarian.

Obama denounced the expulsion of humanitarian organisations in Sudan as 'disastrous' and has called the Sudan situation as a priority for his administration. He has said that the Sudan government would be held accountable for lives lost in Sudan.

J Scott Gration [Google News]
[photo source]



  1. I am not shy, missus emm. I live here in the united states. I hope that this appointment will yield positive change for the Sudanese people. I suppose for now I have hope. We need only watch and see.

  2. very good blog...
    greetings from Argentina...

    I hope Obama will do the right thing...
    (sorry for my english).

  3. @ Keith: Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you're not shy but many people are too shy to leave comments on blogs. Which is a pity. It must be very exciting living in the US right now - you must feel similar to how we felt in South Africa when Mandela becae president - hopeful.

    Thank you for commenting because you introduced me to the One World blog.

    @ El Titan: Your English was perfect! Thanks for stopping by!


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